
Excellent transparency and a glossy polish make it a highly esteemed crystal stone, considered one of the finest both in Iran and worldwide.

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Laybid Crystal

A fascinating stone with a white background adorned with irregular gray and black lines. It possesses excellent transparency and a shiny polish, making it highly esteemed as one of the finest crystal stones in Iran and globally.


Properties of Laybid Crystal:

  • Thanks to its high density, this stone can be exceptionally well-polished, resulting in remarkable transparency and shine.
  • It exhibits high strength and resistance to various weather conditions, along with low water absorption, making it an excellent choice for construction projects.
  • The density of the gray and black colors of the stone determines its classification and makes it suitable for low-light environments.

Laybid Crystal is commonly used in the following areas:

  • Interior and exterior stone wall
  • Paving of the courtyard
  • Parking lot in the shape of an axe
  • Luxurious bathrooms and toilets
  • Interior stone flooring (hall, reception area, lobby, kitchen, etc.)
  • Step stone
  • Stairs
  • Stair landing

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